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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Encrypt SMS - Send Secret Text Messages

Hello all,

My new application, Encrypt SMS, is now available at the AppStore!

Encrypt SMS is a tool that allows you to encrypt messages that you send out with a password, and only those that have the same password can successfully decrypt and read the messages. (Recipient must have the same application on their iPhone.)

Encrypt SMS uses AES-256 encryption, a military-grade encryption composed of a 256 bit key to ensure that it will not be easily broken. The US government itself uses AES encryption to secure classified information! You too can have access to this high level of security with Encrypt SMS.

Available only in the US and Canada for $0.99.

The app download link is http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=349861478&mt=8

I have promo codes available, first come, first served!


Check it out!