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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ping.fm's problem with any app with the word Ping

It all started April 9, 2010, when Apple sent me a message from Ping.fm:

So apparently, Ping.fm thinks that my app's icon/logo QuickPing, looks like Ping.fm's logo.

My app's logo:

Ping.fm's logo:

The font of my Ping logo is Helvetica, the most common font in the whole world. I like Helvetica, and I use it for most of my work. They were telling me that I copied Ping.fm's logo. Ludicrous.

Since I am just an individual, independent developer, I agreed and changed the app logo from Ping to a simple P, as shown below:

And submitted the change to Apple, both for QuickPing and QuickPing Free.

I thought everything was fine, until I received a new note from Ping.fm:

Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for your e-mail below.
We noticed that changes were made to the app entitled "QuickPing Free" (see, e.g., the logo).
We would very much appreciate it if you can inform the developer that if similar changes were to be made to the app entitled "QuickPing" and also using a lower-case "p" to read "Quickping" in the name and the description for both apps then that would be in the right direction to help resolve this matter.

Now Ping.fm wants me to change the NAME OF MY APPLICATION to Quickping from QuickPing. Not a big change, I know, but it looks like Ping.fm is now claiming that every word that has the word Ping in it is theirs. What the hell?

If that's the case, did Ping.fm also complain to the Apple about these following apps? Why haven't they changed their names?

Ping! Lite
Network Ping Lite
Network Ping
Ping For Fun
Ping Later

This is really stupid. I'm a fan of Ping.fm and all (and that's why I made the app), but this is ridiculous.



Anonymous said...

tell them to get stuffed bullies.

Adam said...

Hey, didn't know where else to give feedback about your QuickPing app. I like it's layout and how it interfaces with ping.fm, but why doesn't it sync my posting groups that I have set up in my ping.fm account? Will there be an update for this? I want to post to several networks at once, but not every one of them all the time. Hoping for such an update!